My Way of Celebrating: How I like to Celebrate any Achievement in my Life
Hello Everyone, and welcome to another write-up from Comic Chronicles! Today I write an article on how I like to celebrate any achievement in my life. There are people (Most people, if I am not wrong) who love throwing big celebrations. In fact, I heard stories of people throwing parties for simple things like meeting a deadline! However, I am an introvert, and am not really a big fan of celebrations. Instead, whenever I achieve something, I usually just give myself the day off, or some time off if there are other things to do, that is, if my parents would allow me, of course! For example, if I achieved something great, my parents would allow us to, say, go to a fast food restaurant of my choice, or allow me to do whatever I want, such as slacking off with YouTube! You see, this is the reward I like to give myself for working hard; Giving myself time to do whatever I want, that I didn't get time to do while preparing or working on the task, or preparing for a competitive exam of s...