Star Achiever - Two of the greatest accomplishments I've ever done

 Hello Everyone, and welcome to another episode of Comic Chronicles! Today I talk a bit about myself, as I write on two of the greatest achievements that I ever made, and that I still am proud of.

1. First Spelling Bee Victory: Almost every year, I have participated in spelling bees. For those of you who don't know what a spelling bee is, it's a competition where we try our best to spell large words. However, in t spelling bee at my location, we have more advanced stuff such as synonyms and antonyms ,definitions, and even unjumbling words. It is actually a lot harder than the part where you just spell. However, when I was in 6th grade, I finally managed to get my first win in spelling bee. This was because that year, I decided to put my maximum effort into it, learn new words from the dictionary every day, learn its synonyms and antonyms... The test was conducted online individually, because of the COVID-19 restrictions. I did so good, that the invigilator actually suspected me of cheating, though I haven't! In the end, all that hard work paid off, as I got 1st place, nationally! I was ecstatic, and I would forever keep this moment with me.

2. Second Place for Qutuhal: If you're wondering what Qutuhal is, it is a word that means 'curiosity', in both Sanskrit and Arabic. It was also the name of a competition hosted in UAE, where I am. It was hosted in the UAE, but it was open internationally. In the event, we were given 9 tasks every week, and we had to innovate by ourselves and make videos about them. After the nine challenges, there was a Grand Finale. In the grand Finale, we were all given 3 topics, and we had to choose one and make an idea out of it. I chose the task wherein I had to make a model of a smart city., which can use its own data to develop and innovate itself. I used a 3D Modelling Software called Vectary for it, and I had great fun designing the plan I had, such as being a completely solar city, AI-generated traffic sensors, and sensors everywhere. I also developed the unique idea of a solar sensor. It would be placed under every solar panel, and it would collect data on daily amounts of energy used and stored (I also developed the idea of having a storage space in every building to store solar energy). It would then give all the information o a board for Energy, where they can analyze the data and create innovative solutions, or act accordingly. I also decided to implement fast transportation through Maglev trins in my model. I had great fun imagining new, yet realistic ideas for a solar city, and I even made a cool video of it, which I edited myself. After the event, I got selected for the Grand Finale Exhibition, wherein few of us (about 20 from around 400 people in our country), including my friend and his brother, got to exhibit our ideas individually. Finally, there was the award ceremony at the end of 3 hours of exhibiting and watching people exhibit. I was eager to see the results, though I had close to no sconfidence of myself getting  into the podium. However, I was utterly astonished and flabbergasted when my name was called out in the grand auditorium for winning second place in the event! Alhthough second place may not seem too good, it is needed to consider that I am second out of 9000 participants worldwide! I was amazed and ecsatic. They even asked me to tell what Idea I made. I got a little proud and told some key qualities that made my city model smart, innovative, and sustainable. At the same time, our school


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