Managing Emotions is more important than you think!

Hello everyone.

I know my blog is named "Comic Chronicles", but this article is about something not so comic, although I would request your attention on this one.

We all know what emotions are. They are the little things that influence our mind during certain situations. Emotions are neurophysiological, meaning that they influence both the state of the mind and our body. We all tend to get scared when we see something scary, for example. Our body will feel a minor adrenaline rush, our brain tends to feel a sense of temporary panic, and we often tend to jump or scream. These are all just parts of the emotion of fear, and most of the other emotions usually follow the same pattern as well.

If you think that emotions are nothing but a minor part of our daily lives, then you are wrong. Emotions affect the state of mind, as you know, but also indirectly influence the decisions you make, which can happen either in a good way (such as when fear forces you to avoid an option which can be dangerous) or bad (You decide to hurt another person, just because of  your sheer anger against something he/she did). Managing emotions is just as important too.

Get this, more than 700,000 lives are lost due to suicides, the main cause of which is the inability to control emotions during crises and hard times. Also common are the suicides by adolescents. Adolescence is the age period where humans undergo the process to advance to adulthood, and it is a difficult time, which I can say being close to a teen myself. During this time, controlling emotions can be a really difficult process. At the same time, there are emotionally sensitive people like me that tend to feel emotions almost twice as deep as normal humans. Such people also have a difficulty in handling their emotions properly. Managing emotions are more important than you think, as it will help you make better decisions, react better to situations, and basically live a happier and healthier life.

Considering you are convinced that managing emotions is a fundamental skill, remember that every cloud has a silver lining. Let's move on to how anyone, including the ones mentioned above, can effectively manage their emotions:

1. Understand your emotions. Let me tell you, you will have a hard time controlling your emotions without convincing yourself of the following:

  • All emotions are okay: A common misconception is that "negative" emotions such as anger and sadness are not supposed to be felt. This is absolutely wrong. All emotions are necessary in a way, and no emotions are "negative". You must be convinced of this first.
  • Never suppress your emotions. This is a result of thinking that some emotions are just wrong. If you suppress your emotions, the emotion will just increase more and more, until it's just uncontrollable. Instead, do the following step to understand the what, how, and why of your emotions.
  • Ask yourself:
    • What emotion am I feeling right now, and to what extent?
    • Why am I feeling it?
    • What do I feel like doing right now?
    • What is an alternate option I can do to calm myself?
2. Learn to cope with your stress. Stress is a challenge when it comes to managing emotions. When it comes to situations of stress, you will have a harder time controlling your emotions. For this, you have to learn to cope with your stress, through the following ways:
  • Learn to organize yourself. Being and staying organized can prevent the chance of that stress happening in the first place. You can do this by listing your daily tasks and arrange them in the order of which you will do first (an efficient practice, especially when it comes to school homework), or setting up a timetable for yourself .
  • Meditation and yoga: This is much, Much more important than you think. It's not just sitting and breathing until you relax (it probably is in a way), but it also relaxes your body and mind, which helps against your stress.
3. Meditation and Yoga. I know I just mentioned this just before, but I would like to say that it also helps you manage your emotions better as well, by relaxing your body and mind.

4. Physical exercise. Yes, physical, and I'm not kidding, According to scientific research, a healthy body equals to a healthy mind. Physical activity also plays a role in your mental health.

So these are my tips for you to manage your emotions well. I hope this you found this beneficial.

If you found this a bit too serious, here's a story that will give you some laughs.


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