Prank Gone Really Wrong

Hello everyone. I would like to share with you an interesting story.

I, personally, am a student who enjoys studies and likes learning. Although I hate writing on paper, I enjoy the learning process and collecting new knowledge. Unfortunately, there are only a few people like me in my school. 
The rest, on the other hand, simply hate studies, and school in general. They simply loathe the idea of even opening a textbook, or teachers coming to class to start their sessions. Among these, there are the class clowns who think of clever and humorous ways to spend time, in a way that will make the whole class laugh.

The story I am about to tell you is about one of such class clowns, who did a prank, that went really wrong.

I was in seventh grade, in a History lesson. History was one of the most boring lessons for me, and hence one of the best times for the class clowns to devise clever plans. As the teacher was teaching, one of the students, with the teacher's permission, walked out of his seat to sharpen his pencil next to the bin. I watched him as he walked back to his seat, and something shocking happened: He fainted on the spot! I had to admit, I was so petrified that I felt like I was about to faint myself! I had never seen a person faint in front of my eyes before, and to be frank it was terrifying. The history teacher, being the innocent yet boring character she was, was so busy writing the dates of the reigns of the various Mughal Emperors, that she didn't even notice a child that had fainted in her class. In fact, she didn't realise, until one of the kids informed the teacher. The History teacher panicked, and kept panicking for more than 10 seconds, until she finally asked a few students to carry him. I was looking at him with fright, lying unconsciously. It was then that the moment of truth came to me, with a mischievous smile developing on his face. 
He was faking the act all along! I wasn't really surprised, as it one of the students who never enjoyed classes. In fact, I was amused, and decided not to tell anyone.

It was truly humorous, walking with the entire class and the teacher, carrying a "patient" who wasn't even having a problem! We were looking silly in front of everyone who saw us, which embarrassed me a little bit. Usually, I would say to myself, "It doesn't matter if we're looking silly. There's an unconscious person and we need to take him to the clinic fast!", except, that wasn't really the case.

As we finally reached the clinic, the nurse had noticed all of us with the "unconscious" student. The history teacher, after a series of loud huffs and pants, told that the student had fainted. The nurse questioned exactly what happened, and the embarrassed history teacher couldn't say anything, considering that she'd been busy writing dates. A student told what happened, and the nurse told that she will start with an injection that will awaken the student.

This was when the real fun occurred. The nurse took a look at the student before the injection, and smirked. Probably the nurse had also noticed that he was faking it. Instead of waking him up and scolding him, she exclaimed that if the patient is awake while the injection is being taken, it will cause an instant blood rush, so  high that the heart will pump so fast, it will end up stopping permanently. This made the child wake up instantly and scream with fear, pleading the nurse not to give the shot. Everyone realized what happened and laughed a lot. The history teacher, on the other hand, was cross, and looked like she was soon to contact the child's parents.

The embarrassed look on his face as he realized he screwed up was hilarious. Of course his prank did not go well as intended, but it did give off a lot of laughs, and of course a meeting with the principal.

Thank you for reading this story, and I hope you enjoyed it.


  1. I almost fell off my chair while reading this. Love your writing!


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