My trip to Sri Lanka - Travel blog

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! Today, I will be sharing my travel experience to the country of Sri Lanka.

First, let me tell you about Sri Lanka. It is an island country located to the south of India. It was formerly called Ceylon by the British. Sri Lanka is a country of many religions, the most common being Buddhism. Now, let me share my experience of going to Sri Lanka.

It was 2020, and my family and I were on our way to India to visit my grandparents. However, this trip, there was a twist; we got to take a transit trip to Sri Lanka before reaching India, The period of the transit was 7 hours. 

I was really excited for trip, as it was my first time travelling to another country other than India. Since it was a transit, we didn't really have to pack anything up, except for our clothes and other stuff for the trip in India.

The flight from UAE to Sri Lanka took around 2 hours and 15 mins. I reached at Colombo International Airport, located in the city of Colombo, which is the capital of Sri Lanka. It was a vast airport, with glass exteriors, many shops around the airport, as well as safe security. After reaching Sri Lanka, we booked a "holiday inn", which we very much regretted.

We booked a hotel in Sri Lanka online called Yoho A4 Holiday in, as it bore resemblance to another popular hotel firm, 'Oyo'. We also booked a driver to take us to places. However when we reached the holiday inn and got our room, we were shocked and disappointed. A non-working TV, a bed without mattresses, the bathroom filled with cobwebs, spiders and cockroaches, and even mosquitoes and beetles! I couldn't even imagine the dirtiness and cheapness of the place! Luckily, we only stayed there for  around 10 minutes, until the tour guide we hired, had arrived. I was relieved to get out of that disgraceful place.

First, we went to the coastal city of Negombo in Sri Lanka, where we went to a beach, called Negombo Beach. It was a wide beach with many rocks. We didn't go to swim or make sandcastles, but we enjoyed the view.

My experience at Negombo beach

Next, we we went to a Buddhist Temple in the same city. Buddhism is the main religion in Sri Lanka, and our cab driver, who was a Buddhist, shared a bit of interesting information about Buddhism. In the temple were idols of Buddha. We also saw followers of Buddhism, wearing all white, praying in front of those idols. There were also interesting carvings of Buddha, and facts about his life. The trip to the temple was truly educational.

Me and my Sister posing in front of a statue of Buddha at the temple.

Finally, we went back to Colombo Airport and booked our trip to India, which only took 45 minutes.

Honestly, it was a pretty amazing trip. So that's all for this article ,and thank you for reading!


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