Vedic Maths - 3 Methods you can use to Do Math Calculations like a Boss!

Hello everyone, welcome to Comic Chronicles! Today, I will be sharing with you something interesting. Vedic Maths. It is an effective ancient Indian mathematical practice that can be used to solve calculations almost, sometimes even more than, twice the time taken to do maths using conventional methods!

Vedic Maths was first seen in one of the oldest set of Sanskrit scriptures ever, the Vedas, more specifically the Atharva Veda.

Now, I will be teaching you how to:

1) Multiply 2-digit numbers much easier,

2) Square 2-digit numbers much easier, and

3) subtract certain numbers much easier.

These are at the basics of Vedic Maths, and hopefully this blog will encourage you to learn more on this wonderful topic.

1) Multiplication

Now, usually what we do using the conventional method would be: multiply both digits by the last digit, then the second-to-last digit, leave spaces, multiply again, leave more spaces, so on and so forth, and finally add everything. However, the Vedic Maths method for this is as simple as multiplying the first digits, cross-multiplying, and multiplying the last digits. This is known as Udhva-Tiryaghbhhyam in ancient scriptures. However, by convention, it is more commonly known as VCM (Vertically crosswise multiplication). Here's how to do it:

a) For two digits:

Let's take a simple example. Take 12×23.

By convention, we would do something like this:

Instead of this, what you can do is:
Step 1: Multiply the first two digits.
Step 2: Cross-multiply between each diagonal number and add them.
Step 3: Multiply the final 2 digits.

However, you would come across certain situations where we get a sum that's greater than 10 in the middle step. In such a case, all we need to do is carry the tens place to the left.

Take any two two-digit numbers, and record the time you take to calculate it with the conventional method. Now, use the VCM method and record the time. Are you surprised at the time difference?
Let's move on to the second topic:

2) Squaring numbers
Now, there are 2 special cases for squaring numbers:

1. The digit ends with 5
2. The digits don't end with 5.

For the first case, it's just as simple as multiplying the first digit to its successor and adding a '25' to the end! That's simply it! Not only for two digit numbers, this works for all numbers ending with 5.
For example, in the number 45, 4 is the first digit. 4 times its successor 5 is 20, so the answer is 2025 (with the 25 added in the end.)
Let's take 125. 12 times 13 is 156, so the answer is 15625/ That's it!

However, it's not so simple if the digit doesn't end with 5. However, I never said it would be difficult!

Step 1: Square the first digit.
Step 2: Multiply both the digits, and multiply that product by 2.
Step 3: Square the last digit.
Step 4: Put them all together (carry tens place to left digit if needed.)

For example, 13.

1 squared is 1.
1 times 3 is 3, and if multiply this by 2, we get 6.
3 squared is 9.
If we put 1, 6 and 9 together, we get 169. That's it.

If we take 54,

5 squared is 25.
5 times 4 times 2 is 40.
4 squared is 16.
So, we get 25, 40 and 16. If we carry the tens place of the last two numbers to the ones place of the previous, we get 2916.

3. Subtracting a power of 10  with a number containing 1 less digit.

Here, we'll be seeing how to easily, mentally, calculate the difference of a power of 10 and a number which contains 1 less digit than the power of 10. For example, 1000-4, 100000-938939, etc.

All you have to do is to take the digit that's not the power of 10, subtract each digit except the last one, from 9, and subtract the last digit from 10.

Let's take 10000 - 98976

9-9 = 0
9-8 = 1
9-9 = 0
9-7 = 2
10-6 = 4

Therefore, the answer is 1024.

Now, let's see 10000000 - 5723408

9-5 = 4
9-7 = 2
9-2 = 7
9-3 = 6
9-4 = 5
9-0 = 9
10-8 = 2

Therefore, the answer is 4276592.

Thank you for reading this blog, and I hope you walk off enlightened! Try using these methods, they will help you well in your life. You can also use this to surprise your friends. Thank you, and see you on the next article!


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