Things that I love about myself

 Hello Everyone, and welcome to Comic Chronicles. Today I go a little personal and tell you about some things that I find amazing about myself. Not only that, I will also be talking about other topics regarding our psychology, especially revolving around self-esteem.

  • My perfectionism is my strength: People usually see perfectionism as a useless and unnecessary characteristic. However, I see it as a motivation to do things in the best way possible. Although no one and nothing can be perfect, it is this perfectionism that encourages me to do my best in every single thing I do.
  • My kindness and empathy: I always see my kindness and empathy towards others as an advantage. Kindness and Empathy helps me develop compassion over people, so they know I can be their companion, and that they can count on us. At the same time, the saying, that kindness is like a mirror, is absolutely true. People are also friendly to me all the time, and I can let them know they can trust me without any problems, and at the same time, I can trust them as well. However, I do watch out for those who try to take advantage of me.
  • My humbleness: I know that being humble is a really wonderful characteristic. Although I am the class topper and am the best in my class, I would never even think of boasting about it, and would avoid discussions centred around me. However, I do watch out for those who try to take advantage of me  once again. You might think I'm boasting about my humility, but I feel this is just my confidence within myself! 😊
  • My logical thinking: I often think logically and step-by-step, which is pretty much a productive way to solve problems, if you ask me. I would solve problems step-by-step, or by breaking them up into smaller problems. This skill is also called computational thinking, a necessary part oc computer programming, which also happens to be a job that I would like to pursue.

Now, let me tell you something that might be interesting: When I thought of this topic, I thought of skipping that idea, as I couldn't really find any points on what are the things I like about myself. But when I started doing the blog, I realized that are many good points within me that I have only realized were amazing qualities regarding myself, and this was enough to boost my self-esteem a bit! This can be a good activity to boost one's self-esteem. If you're feeling unsure about yourself and don't feel like you are amazing, try to pen down some strengths about yourself, as if you're writing it to someone. You could even try writing it to your diary, if you have one. At first, you wouldn't find many points, but slowly and surely, you will find many points, which can make you realize how wonderful you really are! Try out this activity, as it is really effective!

If you are in an adolescent stage like me, you would also find it pretty hard to find your self-esteem and the greatness within yourself. Then again, this activity can help you, just like it did to me.

I hope you found this article pretty interesting, and thank you for reading!


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