A Quote for a Powerful Thought: Reflection on a quote

 Hello Everyone, and welcome to another article of Comic Chronicles. Today I give you a reflection of a powerful quote, which I hope to prove to you that it is a deep and influential thought summed up in 5 words:

I think, therefore I am. - René Descartes

This quote originates from the Latin phrase 'Cogito Ergo Sum', with the Same meaning.

Cogito - I think
Ergo - Therefore
Sum - I am

Now, the thought may seem unclear at first, but I'll simplify the meaning for you. We can rephrase this sentence to 'I think like so, therefore, I am like so'. Now, I hope you get the idea of it. This quote means that what you think of describes your personality. No matter how you behave, how you really are is defined by what is in your mind most often. Put in a much simpler way, you are what you think about most often.

A huge example of this is the Internet crisis of the modern age. And I don't mean an internet shortage of any sort. I'm describing the crisis that we are unknowingly in as the Internet slowly changes our behaviour and characteristics. How? It starts with our thinking patterns. The modern Generation (no offence, even to myself as a part of Gen Z!) is influenced by social media. For Example, I have been so used to chatting informally on the Internet all the time, that I started to think in an informal manner, and I unknowingly become informal, even towards the teachers! Of course I am coming out from this, but al this started with my brain thinking informally. This is a big way of how our thoughts can change us.

That's all for this post. I hope you close this page slightly more enlightened with this powerful thought. Thank You, and look out for the next post!


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