Article on Woman Empowerment

Hello everyone, and welcome to Comic Chronicles. Woman Empowerment is a pretty major and trending issue in the modern world, so I have written an article to share my viewpoint on the topic.

A current trend in modern society is tensions and debates regarding feminism and problems regarding women being suppressed and abused, and lack of woman empowerment. In fact, this movement of freedom in women has been happening for so long that it is even being ridiculed.

However, what exactly is this woman empowerment? Well, women empowerment is not only limited to one category In fact, it can be applied everywhere, be it work or home or elsewhere. It is the freedom of women, abolition of woman suppression, and the ability of women to have their own voices.

How did this all start? The idea of suppressing women can be dated to a long time ago. Back then, it was ideal that men did all the outside work and had a place in society, whereas women were made to take care of the children and run the house. How did this idealism happen? Well, it could be that this theory dated all the way to the beginning of societies in general, during the stone and iron ages, when men did all the hunting-gathering while the women took care of the house and ran the farms. This practice then could have been carried on for millennia until this became the picture of a perfect society: Men being the face of the families while women were suppressed and ran the house.

Such idealism has also blended in with religions, which further caused the idea that women are to be suppressed. For example, in a religion called Hinduism, there were certain practices, although currently abolished, that shoed how women were suppressed. For example, child marriage was a common practiced, where women were married before they could even continue their education. At the same time, there was this practice called Sathi, in which a widow would have to burn herself in fire if her husband dies. Fortunately, all these discriminatory practices have been abolished in India.

With all this you might have realized that women were being greatly suppressed. However, in the modern generation, women have responded to this kind of oppression, and started movements for freedom. This gave birth to the idea of woman empowerment. 

In my opinion, this movement is greatly paying off. For example, the Woman's Suffrage Movement was a movement that started all around the world during the late 1920's, aiming to give all women the right to vote. The movement turned out to be a huge success, and women got that right to vote. Even now, women have gained more freedom, and are gaining the same social status in society as men.

Also, I feel that women need the right to be free and have the same status as men. This is necessary because all lives matter, and at the same time, this will lead to a healthier and more balanced society. 

A society that is imbalanced is an unhealthy one, be it when men suppress women or the other way around. A healthy society, in my opinion, is a balanced one that practices equality in all sectors.

In the modern world, woman have made their place in society in many places. Women practice the same jobs that men would do, and even start businesses.

However, despite all this, it is important to consider that woman suppression is still going on in some places, especially rural and developing nations. To combat this, there are special organizations aiming for gender equality ,as female activists aiming for the same purposes.

I feel that woman empowerment is just as serious of an issue as discrimination and world hunger is, and I believe we must all take an effort to make an equal and balanced society.

Thank You


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