Health is Wealth, but Not only Physical: Exploring the different types of health and why they are all Important

Credits: iStock
 Hello Everyone, and welcome to another post from Comic Chronicles! Today, we talk about one of the most important topics, especially in the current world, something that not many people consider, but is something we should all be grateful for and help develop; I'm talking about health.

You might have heard the saying, "Health is Wealth". This statement, in my opinion, cannot get any more true. You may not know it, but health can have a great influence on our lives. Therefore, our good health is one of the greatest assets we can ever possess, and we should be grateful for it. 

Now, there are different kinds of health, all of which we should appreciate to the greatest extent, as all these kinds of health influence our lives individually. Also, all these kinds of health are interlinked, and an imbalance in one aspect of the body can affect another.

The different types of health include:

Physical Health: Obviously, you may know about this more than the others. It is the health of all your body parts. You are physically healthy if all your body organs work properly.
You can improve your physical health by improving your muscles through exercise, engaging in a healthy and a balanced diet, and avoiding bad habits that can cause conditions and diseases. On the other hand, there are those who naturally possess conditions, and there's barely anything that can be done about them.

Mental Health: You may also know this, but this is one of the least explored sectors of health in general. It involves the good and fit condition of your mind. This can be broadly categorized into three other sectors:

  • Emotional Health: This is one of the most common factors that are included in mental health. It is the condition of a person based on the thoughts that he thinks and the emotions that he feels.
  • Social Health: The ability of a person to behave well and properly in social situations.
  • Spiritual Health: The ability of a person to follow the rules that are necessary for a purposeful life.
  • Intellectual Health: The ability of a person to think properly and be creative.

Now, we come to the main topic; Why all kinds of health are equally important. The main reason is that all kinds of health are interconnected, and when one form of health is harmed, it could affect all the other aspects of health. this is very real; In fact, there are many different studies that deal with the relationship between different types of health (neuropsychology, physiological psychology, psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (That's a real word)). Let me give you some examples.

You may or may not know that an after-effect of obesity is depression. Why? Because a bad physical state leads to a bad mental and emotional state.

The vice versa is also true. For example, a common symptom of depression is overeating of food, and an unfit body. Also, a depressed or stressed person is more likely to contact diseases. This is for the same reason; An unhealthy mind leads to an unhealthy physical body, and that includes a weaker immune system.

For example, there is a youtuber who makes mukbang videos (videos of him eating and talking, eating and talking, repeatedly.) His channel was a massive success, and he was happy. However, things went downhill when he decided to keep going on, eating more and more and more junk food to collect more views on his channel. However, although his channel remains popular to this day, his content took a large toll on his physical health. He had to wear a respirator for majority of his videos, and he even suffered from the breaking of a rib cage. All this also took a toll on his mental health, and he started suffering from depression. This is why you need to be healthy to be happy, and happy to be healthy.

Look at the cover picture of this post. It features a happy person. In general, when you look at stock images of "Healthy person", you see someone smiling or calm. This not just stereotype, but reality. The healthier you are, the calmer and more relaxed your body feels, due to an increased amount of energy inside you.

You see, when you're healthy, you're happy and calm, which keeps you set for your life. On the other hand, an unhealthy body means an unhealthy mind. Since the vice versa is true, your unhealthy mind takes a toll on your health, which takes a toll on your mental health, and so on and so forth. This creates a 'ripple effect of suffering'. This is why we need a healthy body and a healthy mind to be set.

So friends, we have come to the end of this post. Thank you for reading, and I hope you leave convinced that health is, in fact, the real wealth.


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