My Anticipations for the Future - What I am Looking Forward to next week

 Hello Everyone, and welcome to another post from Comic Chronicles! 

Some people would always have anticipations and thing that look forward to in the near future, be it the coming week, coming months, or even the next day, while others have nothing much to look forward to unless there's a special event in their lives. Today I decide to go a little personal and pen down what are the things I am looking forward to next week, starting small, down to the biggest thing.

In reality, there are only a few things that I really anticipate, but nevertheless these are some things that I would love.

1. Gaming with my Friend: I am in no way a gamer who's addicted to gaming, but I do enjoy playing video games with my best friend from school. It is a fun time and I enjoy the moment with my friend whenever I play with him. However, I only play once every week on a Friday, so I can make sure that I won't get addicted! However, for this week I might have to move the gaming hangout to Saturday for this week, because there's a special event that's going to happen this Friday! (Spoiler: It's the final point in this list!)

2. My new niece: This is not a joke, but I am an uncle! Around wo months ago, one of my cousin sisters gave birth to a new-born baby. Even better, this week, I will be able to see the baby! I am truly ecstatic to see her and interact with her!

And finally, the best moment for this week:

3. My Birthday!!! Yes, you heard it right. I am celebrating my birthday this Friday, July 14th, and I am turning 13 years old. I will be hosting a birthday party, hanging out with my friends, enjoying some good Black Forest Cake, and also eating delicious food from McDonalds!

So these were the things that I am Looking Forward to this week. Thank You!


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