Persuading the hard way: Activism and Why It's not Detrimental

 Hello, and welcome to another article from the Comic Chronicles! So you may know that in the past years there had been a lot of protests against topics, such as protests against racial discrimination and abortion bans in the U.S. 

However, on the subject of protests, there are some people who devote their whole lives to protesting in one way or another, with the aim of reforming the society. They start protests, make speeches and start movements to "make society listen to their voices and mend itself". Of course, I am talking about activists.

Activists are those who, as mentioned before, aim towards reforming a certain sector of society, to "change" it, and to make a better society for the greater good. They do this through more vigorous practices such as campaigns, boycotts, protests, and such movements. 

However, despite all this, the main subject is whether or not activism is majorly good or majorly bad, and whether activists should be accepted more or disregarded. To this, my answer would be that activism is not "bad for the society".

You see, societies, especially nations as a whole, have many different things to consider. This is majorly made up of smaller concerns and its own innovative ideas to improve sectors of itself. However, through all this, it would also forget some major problems. Other times, the society makes a decision which is not in the favour of citizens, but the society forgets to consider the population. And not to mention corruption and misuse of power along with all this. Believe it or not, this is really common, especially in large, developed societies such as big countries, and most of time they do not have time to listen to individual concerns. Therefore, some citizens would want to be emphasizing on problems that the society isn't considering but is still a major concern among the people. Therefore, an activist is nothing but someone who represents the public and their concerns, or their own concerns, regarding a major issue. Put short, an activist is an advocate for the change of society and the voice of the people.

Think of it this way: Society has huge problems that sometimes the society itself doesn't consider, and an activist is someone who makes efforts to express the concerns of the people and help the society. You may feel that activists create an unnecessary scene everywhere. However, they aren't detrimental too society, but can actually be helpful for the society. It is them that could make the society realize its more important concerns and rectify itself. Take, for example, the Civil Rights Movement in America. Civil Rights Activists from America, including the famous Martin Luther King Jr., gathered and participated in boycotts and peaceful protests, and engaged in other movements, to prevent racial segregation. Think about it, if these activists weren't "creating a scene" in America, blacks would have lived under great poverty, even now.

So you see, activists are not madmen forcing their opinions, but the voices of the people. The only reason society's not a dystopia is thanks to all those activists of the past that advocated for change. Otherwise, we would live in a world filed with discrimination, racism, gender discrimination, and even lack of care for the environment and humans in general! So in a way, we have to thank and respect these activists. They help spread awareness about certain problems. The only reason we have specialized organizations for specific sectors are due to the activists being representatives for the concerns of the people. 

Thank You for reading this, and I hope you leave convinced that activists are not, and never were, a bane to our society.


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